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After Reading This You’ll Never Use Swabs in the Ears

Most of the people are using ear swabs in order to maintain the proper hygiene of the ears.

 The swab’s role is to clean the wax that has been accumulated in the ears, but it could be very dangerous if you don’t use it properly.

After Reading This You’ll Never Use Swabs in the Ears
Some recent researches have proved that there are unwanted effects of using ear swabs while cleaning the ears. Many people who use cotton swabs experienced tympanic membrane breakdown. If the swab gets too deep into the ear, the possibility of harming the ear is pretty high.

It can begin from slight injury and ultimately result into the perforation in the tympanic membrane. This method of cleaning the ear can cause vertigo or facial paralysis.

You should avoid using cotton swabs when cleaning your ears because they may contribute to surgical intervention if something goes wrong. The ear swabs are very dangerous if you don’t use them properly.

Keep safe your eardrum by following these advices:
    Use the ear swab only for cleaning the ear auricle and the area around the ear canal.
    You mustn’t go deep inside the ear canal with the ear swab because in this way you are pushing the earwax in the inner part of the ear which may result with obstruction of the ear. This may lead to hearing problems and dizziness.
    You can harm your eardrum very bad if you penetrate too deep with the ear swab.
    When you are cleaning your children’s ears you must use the swabs that have thick tip in order to avoid any damage of the ear canal.

Most of the people consider that the ear wax is harmful for their ears and should be cleaned. But they don’t know that the ear wax is formed in order to keep safe the ears from bacteria, dust or any other external pollution.

In case you don’t like the earwax inside your ear, you can prevent its formation by drying your ears well after having a bath. The earwax gets inflated by the water and it is crucial to dry the ears well after every shower. If you live in an area where the dust is a common appearance, you should use earplugs.

The ear swabs have many negative side effects and you can try using other methods in order to maintain the hygiene in your ears. Handkerchief is a good substitution for ear cleansing. You can also use hydrogen peroxide for this purpose. Use several drops of it and clean your ear. Share these tips with your family and friends and make their life easier.

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Drink Banana and Cinnamon One Hour Before Going to Sleep And See What Will Happen! Incredible!

If you want to be fully healthy, to have increased energy and not to feel sickness, depression or hypertension you need to have solid rest at night and deep sleep.

The sleeping helps your brain to operate and power up your daily activities also, your body concentrates on retrieving and revitalizing your different systems.


If you ever had a contact with insomnia or any kind of sleep disorder you know that daily you look like a monster and you walk around tired and enjoyable.
Maybe the banana and cinnamon tea is the solution you may take before hitting the bed.
The bananas are filled with potassium and magnesium and they are pretty much known for enhance sleep. The anxiety and the negative influence on your muscles and veins is destroyed by these minerals.
On the other hand cinnamon, besides his pleasing flavor is known for promoting relaxation to your body. The circulation and digestion will flow properly inside your body by its assentation.
The ingredients for this recipe are simple, you need one raw banana, one liter of water and pinch of cinnamon.  First start heating the water and then add the banana to boil for 10 minutes. Pour the water through colander and fill it into cup in which you will add small amount cinnamon.
Although medicines may assist you with sleeping they will not fix any fundamental reasons. You need to try different things to relax your body and increase the level of sleeping. You need to find proper routine for relaxing your brain also.

She Put Her Hands in Apple Cider Vinegar Twice a Week, You Will Not Believe What Effect is Achieved!

If you suffer from pain in the joints, then you know that it is a serious problem since pain affects every aspect of your life.

Every person who suffers from this type of pain claims that common medicines are only a temporary solution.

Joint pain and its symptoms can be reduced only by changing your diet and lifestyle.
Ana H. suffered from severe joint pain and decided to help herself with natural medicine. She was working as a typist her entire life and her job led to this disease.


A couple of years I lead the fight against pain in the joints and hands and after that doctors diagnosed arthritis caused by the hard work and malnutrition. Since I’m not a person who immediately reaches for chemistry, I decided to try with natural solution and I am glad that I did. I spoke to the doctor and he said the same thing that I can try apple cider vinegar, but I have to be persistent. I started to use it and now after 2 months I can say that I am quite better. The first month I was doing it three times a week and now twice. I have put hands in vinegar before sleeping and I did relieve pain and tingling in the hands that I had. I have used natural drink made of apple cider vinegar and water with a little honey. I want to recommend everyone to try, because I have succeeded. “-says Ana H.
Apple cider vinegar is a powerful antioxidant that cleanses the body from toxins and is also great against joint pain.
It can be used in a several ways to help you get rid of joint pain:
Prepare a mixture from 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Apply the mixture on the painful joints.
Healing Potion
Add 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 300 ml of water or some fruit juice and prepare your healing potion. You should consume it 3 times a day, before meals.
Put a cup of apple cider vinegar in 6 cups of water and then soak your feet or hands in the solution. You can also apply a compress on other painful areas.
Joint pain is very unpleasant and it affects your everyday life and tasks. Therefore, try these natural treatments and successfully relieve joint pain.
Other included sources linked in Healthy Food Team’s article: -- Original Article Source

Breaking Study: This Green Herb Could be The Cure to 5 Different Types of Cancer Including Ovarian, Liver, Lung and Melanoma

Due to its numerous virtues, this green plant, the Moringa tree, is also called the “miracle tree”.

 Although it is very popular in India, parts of Africa, the Philippines and several other countries, yet it is relatively unknown in countries such as the USA.

It’s especially interesting because Moringa is already in common use – not only in herbalism, but in a wide variety of other applications. The largest Moringa crop in the world is produced by India – where it grows natively, which may explain the fact that the death rate from pancreatic cancer in India is a stunning 84% lower than in the United States!

Furthermore, it is also extensively cultivated throughout Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and Central America.
Nevertheless, its popularity is believed to skyrocket as numerous studies find it as a superb cure for the most serious diseases of the modern era.
Moringa tree has a long history of use in traditional medicine due to its properties as an anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, antidepressant, anti-diabetes, pain and fever reducer and even asthma treatment.
This amazing tree contains numerous powerful anti-cancer compounds such as kaempferol, rhamnetin and isoquercetin.
However, newest research found that Moringa contains anti-cancer potential, with positive results so far against ovarian cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma in lab tests.
Yet, before we praise this beneficial tree for its anti- cancer properties, a lot of further research is needed. However, these studies are extremely important as they show the potential for a starting point for a medicine of the future. Moringa supplements are available online.
Sources and References:

The Place Of The Pain Reveals The Type Of Your Headache, The Reason For Its Occurrence And Its Lasting Solution

Sometimes it is not difficult to guess why headache occurred, for example, due to drunkenness or sleep deprivation.

 However, at times it is hard to find out the reason of the pain, and why it occurs at a particular place.

Depending on where and how it occurs, the pain can indicate a serious health problem.the-place-of-the-pain-reveals-the-type-of-your-headache-the-reason-for-its-occurrence-and-its-lasting-solution

Explosive headaches appear as a “bolt from the blue” and the maximum intensity is achieved within seconds. They may be indicative of a range of health problems, including bleeding due to ruptured blood vessels in the brain that is life threatening.


If the headache occurs early in the morning, one should certainly consult the doctor because it can appear due to a brain tumor, sleep apnea, high blood pressure…

Moreover, you should also consult your doctor in case the headache occurs along with changes in vision, digestion and mood, the emergence of tension in the neck or irritability, or if the pain appeared after a head injury, writes Deeply.

Headaches differ in place and pain, and these are the most common types:

    It occurs in one half of the head

It is caused by migraine which is not dangerous, but it is very exhausting for those who suffer from it because it can last up to 72 hours. You will recognize it by the pulsating pain with moderate to severe intensity, and sometimes nausea and sensitivity to noise and light can occur as well. It is important to take a painkiller immediately after the onset of symptoms and to rest in a dark and quiet room.

    As someone has pressed your head

This type of headache causes tension and occurs gradually; with up to medium intensity of pain in the head and you feel like someone is pressing your head. It often occurs due to stress and a good sleep would be of great help.

    Pain on one side of the face, swollen eye lid

It’s is a cluster headache, which is strong, and occurs in cycles, lasting from two weeks to a month. It occurs at a certain period of the year, and sometimes, a year may pass between 2 attacks. While it lasts, the pain occurs almost every day, at the same time of the day or night and lasts approximately 2-3 hours. Those who suffer from this type of headache have noticed that they can relieve the pain by physical activities, unlike those with migraines that must rest.

The pain occurs on one side of the head, and usually on the same side of the face, the nostril is blocked or congested with mucus, the eye lid swells, the eye is red, the face and forehead sweat. This type of headache is 5 times more common in men…

    Pain in the forehead

In this case the headache is caused by sinusitis. The pain can be felt on the cheekbones as well. Due to the steam you breathe, an inhalation and shower with hot water can be of great help.

    Pain the back of the head (in the neck) and on the crown

This type of headache occurs due to problems in the spine and neck, for instance, due to long sitting. Stretch a little and breathe fresh air…

    Pain in temples

It appears if there is a disorder of the jaw joint, which leads to a tension headache. Besides the pain in the temples, there is a pain in the ear, face, difficulty in opening and closing the mouth, and also a “click” can be heard when the jaw is moved. It is advisable to consult a doctor.

Keep a headache diary

Experts say that it is good to keep a diary of headaches, such as, how often they occur, at which time, the location of the pain, how long does it last, what activities, food or drinks preceded the headache, and the like. Based on those remarks later, the doctor will more easily diagnose the issue.

Headache can also occur due to dehydration, so note that you should drink enough water during the day.

How to recognize Heart Attack one month before it happens

Heart attack or myocardial infarction occurs all of a sudden and sometimes without a warning, which is why it is referred to as one of the deadliest medical conditions.

However, some people could be lucky if they can detect the subtle clues to the impending cardiac attack even a month before the actual attack.

The following symptoms can be an indication that a possible attack could happen in the near future.

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Cold sweats and dizziness
Poor circulation may restrict proper blood flow to the brain and hinders its smooth operation. This leads to clamminess and dizziness, especially when the person suddenly gets up from the chair or bed. This indicates extreme danger and needs immediate medical attention. Lack of immediate medical attention may be fatal, if the death of the tissue occurs. This symptom is even subtler in women, and it may be too late by the time they may have been discovered. This is why, it is advisable for women to visit their physicians regularly and get the complete check up done at regular intervals.
Excessive fatigue
The narrowing of the coronary artery leads to a dangerous level where the heart received less blood. This makes the heart muscle work harder than normal and leads to excessive fatigue or tiredness being felt. Gradual fatigue is experienced in the beginning and suddenly the plaque ruptures, triggering a chain of events and a sudden attack occurs.
Shortness of breath
When there is a great difficulty in breathing, it may indicate the risk of an impending attack. The heart receives less blood, in turn carrying less oxygen to the lungs, leading to shortness of breath. The cardiovascular and the respiratory systems are completely interdependent and hence, thus is another good indicator of an impending attack. Sometimes it so happens that, in such cases, many people have been treated for anxiety, which later turned out to be a heart attack.

The body tends to feel weaker as there is lack of oxygen due to poor circulation. This happens when the muscles don’t receive enough blood, as the narrowing artery hinders the blood circulation. The other may be a gradual progression of the disease, where the artery gets narrower over time. Once it gets narrowed down to more than 70%, the symptoms start showing up especially with physical exertions or weakness.
Discomfort in the chest
A heart attack occurs when a tissue dies due to lack of blood flow and makes a person experience excruciating pain and pressure. This usually occurs when there is a gradual build-up of plaque within the coronary artery, resulting in the loss of blood supply and eventually the attack. This is one of the suggestive symptoms of an impending heart attack. The discomfort in the chest may be minor pain or built up pressure, but will constantly keep increasing till the actual attack occurs.
Flu or cold symptoms
Many people have recorded developing cold or flu symptoms out of nowhere, just before the actual attack. This is also a very serious indication of an impending attack and one must immediately consult a doctor.
If any one of the above symptoms is experienced, it means that it is time to take immediate action and consult a doctor. Cardiovascular health could be the difference between life and death. The best way to prevent an impending attack is to react to its symptoms as soon as they are experienced. These symptoms may show up individually or in combination. It is always recommended to test for problems if there is strange body behaviour, especially if there is a family history of heart diseases. Take care!

This is What You Need to Do to Get Rid of Constipation and Have a Perfect Poop

The evaluation of a bowel movement can tell a lot about your health. Stool is one of the few reminders we get about our health on a daily basis but we don’t pay much attention to it.

 Also, it is something we don’t like to talk about.

Everyone on this planet tries to eat healthy, non-GMO, organic food. But are we digesting and absorbing the nutrients well?  The quality of your stool is a direct sign of how well you’re digesting the food you consume.
If the stool is not healthy, it means that your digestive tract is either moving too slow or too fast. This can increase the risk of developing chronic health conditions like neurological disease, autoimmune disease and chronic inflammatory conditions
This is What You Need to Do to Get Rid of Constipation and Have a Perfect Poop
What is a perfect stool?
Completing elimination in the morning is considered perfect. Also, your stool should have brown color and a banana shape. The perfect stool almost always is the same, no matter the foods eaten. Minimal odor of the stool and not sticking to the toilet is another requirement of a perfect stool.
What are the normal stools?
Normal stools are considered those completed once daily within the first 2-3 hours of walking. Also, this stool is firm, but regular, with darker brown color. There is minimal odor and no gas.
What are imbalanced stools?
Imbalanced stools are considered those that are dry and hard. This stool is not completed frequently, even less than once daily. The frequency and consistency changes a lot, and the stool color is darker. Because of the longer transit time, there is an astringent foul odor and more gas.
Here are some tips on how to have a great stool:
1. Consume Good Food
I am sure you already know this because consuming a healthy food with lots of plants consumption contains fiber.
Try to have leafy greens, roots and cruciferous vegetables and fresh fruit every day. Also, properly prepare grains through soaking and sprouting.
Moreover, consume enough good fats from avocados, olives, raw butter, coconut oil, etc.
Additionally, do not forget to get proteins from food in order to keep your bowel muscles strong. Add these foods to your diet:
  • Pastured and organic meats
  • Raw or organic dairy products
  • Wild fish and seafood
  • Eggs
If you are a vegetarian and trying to fight constipation and boost your bowel, try to consume more pumpkin seeds, bananas, raspberries, and oat bran. Bananas and pumpkin seeds include a lot of magnesium, which loosen the intestinal walls.
Spicy food is the biggest cause of having loose poop because they include capsaicin, a spice that can be really irritating. Also, this food can cause hemorrhoids.
So, if you have loose poop, consume more white rice, apple sauce, lemon juice and blueberries.
2. Proper Pooping Position
The best position for pooping is not sitting. This position forces the rectum into a bending position, causing straining in order to eliminate. The straining pressures the anal and rectal veins, which can cause hemorrhoids, bowel herniation and other lower digestive tract illnesses.
Humans are intended to squat when eliminating. They have been doing this since ancient times and more than half the population in the world still squats.
But, because we cannot get rid of our toilets, we can improve our form when sitting on them. Elevate your feet to get into a squatting position. You can put your feet on a little waste basket or a stool.
3. Time for Pooping
It is important to poop every day. Thus, make a morning ritual with sitting on the toilet for 15 minutes. This way you will train your body to eliminate every day.
4. Exercising
Relieve constipation by exercising. This way you will stimulate the nervous system and the muscles and nerves in the gut, making it work better. Even walking is enough. Also, you can try yoga poses and abdominal massage to stimulate the bowel.
5. Drinking a lot of Fluids
Water aids in moving things in your system. People who consume plenty of water are less likely to suffer from constipation. Also, the large intestine requires fluid to form stool.

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