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How to Get Rid Of the Belly Fat in a Week

How to remove the fat from the stomach quickly?

Most people struggling with excess weight have long known that it is impossible to melt the fat overnight, especially if you are sitting and doing nothing.

The only answer to remove fat from the abdomen is the correct combination of aerobic exercise and regulating the daily diet. Kate Adams, publisher of books on health and nutrition, and founder of the club “Flat Tummy Club” is like many of us fallen into the trap of everyday sitting in front of a computer, which had led her to being overweight and storing fat deposits in the stomach and hips.
She has developed an outstanding program of exercise and diet with which it is possible to lose 7 pounds in just 7 days.
The quickest way get rid of the belly fat
She gathered a lot of knowledge and experience during her ten years of work, Kate has developed a unique program that provides more than good results. In the first week she lost 7 pounds, and in the next two months, she lost another 25 pounds of body weight. I know that when you look at your stomach you fall into depression – and the thought that you won’t fit in the swimsuit or bikini it makes you really angry. Do not despair, most of the ladies are feeling the same as you do, be sure you’re not alone, especially now, in the spring, many of us have this passion, which consequently monitors and lack of confidence. With proper diet and exercise, it is possible to achieve great results and to remove the fat from the abdomen. Kate shared her newfound secret at first only with her friends, and then founded the now famous club.
The first step to losing weight
Take notes on what, when and how much you eat. Also write down your measures so that you can later compare it with the results that you have achieved. You may think that it is completely unnecessary, but the notes will certainly help you make a plan and make you realize your weak points in the implementation of the diet. It is necessary to rest, because cortisol – a stress hormone that is released on this occasion, is forcing our bodies to store fat deposits in the stomach.
How to remove fat from the belly in a week – Step number two

To remove the fat from the stomach, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the plan that is listed in eight points – which are used by all members of Kate’s Club:
You need to eat 3 main meals a day and 5 small snacks consisting of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Do not be hungry. If you crave for salty snacks, it would be best to replace them with healthy snacks.
Start your day with a glass of lukewarm water with a lemon squeezed in. Hot water with lemon helps to easier and much faster removing of the fatty deposits from the stomach. During the day, drink at least eight glasses only lukewarm water or consume unsweetened mild herbal tea.
Preparation of the beverage with lemon: In a glass of lukewarm water squeeze half a lemon and drink it as soon as you wake up on an empty stomach. During the day it is recommended that you drink another two to three glasses of water with lemon. If you cannot stand the taste of sour lemon you can add stevia to sweeten it up a bit.
Be sure to try to avoid bread during the day, instead of sandwiches, it is healthier to eat a plate of healing vegetable soup.
Replace sweets with seasonal fruit or a few squares of high quality dark chocolate.
Be careful with salt. Avoid further salting of the food that encourages water retention in the body which makes you feel inflated. If you needed salt, it is recommended to use Himalayan salt.
Eat slowly and peacefully, and don’t do it in front of the TV or computer.
Reduce the portions on your plate. At first it is possible that you will all work very hard, but trust me, you will soon feel much better and easier to burn off fat from the belly and you will not be over-eat – which is today very often among the population.
What foods are recommended for weight loss?
Organic oatmeal is always a good choice, because they are full of fiber and do not causes flatulence, and it creates a feeling of satiety. Yogurt is excellent for a snack, and you can complete it with honey and fresh seasonal fruit. A big plus is that it helps with digestion and metabolism. You must avoid yogurt with extremely low fat, because it improves bloating stomach – still drink regular probiotic yogurt. Fruit acids contained in nuts, avocados, various seeds and dark chocolate are extremely healthy and you can eat them every day. Green tea is an antioxidant that is good for the health of the whole body and helps with stomach fat to be quickly melted. Influences the regulation of blood sugar, and is an excellent diuretic. Cucumber is also an excellent food that helps in expelling excess fluid from the body. Eat it with the rind, because it causes the body to digest better and contributes to quickly remove of the excess oil and fat from the abdomen.
Sweet snacks that you can afford to eat every day:

- A bowl of berries,

- One small banana,

- Pear or peach without bark,

- One fig,
- One tangerine,

- 3 – 4 small squares of dark chocolate,

- A glass of freshly squeezed juice from fresh fruit,

- Integral biscuits with fruit,

- Half an avocado.

Salty snacks that you can afford to eat on a daily basis:

- Two middle sized pieces of ham and one fresh cherry tomato,

- A cup of plain yogurt,

- A handful of stone-fruit.

Which exercises are recommended for burning the belly fat, quickly
A few simple exercises will help you quickly get to the finish line. Take 30 minutes a day for exercise to get a perfectly flat stomach in a week, and be persistent, do not give up easily.

Exercise No. 1:

You need to lay on your back, bend your legs, and to lift only the upper body. The view should be diverting from the ceiling. Repeat this exercise in 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

Exercise No. 2:

Lie on your back, legs slightly bend at the knees, arms raised toward the ceiling. With the breath lift the upper part of the body, and with a gasp return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise in 4 sets of 8 reps.

Exercise 3:

Laying on your back, lift your legs at right angles, and put your hands on your head. Now push your elbows as much as you can backwards. From this position, touch the left knee with the right elbow and vice versa. Do three sets of 8 reps. These exercises are great for quickly removing fat from the abdomen.


The combination of a healthy natural diet with a regular schedule of food and daily exercises for the stomach returns the eagerly awaited result. Kate Adams, with the help of this phenomenal recipe managed easily and quickly removes unwanted fat from the abdomen.

You will need:

- 6 tablespoons of cinnamon,

- 4 tablespoons honey

- 6 dl water.

Preparation: Boil water and let it cool down a little, then fill it with cinnamon and honey, and mix them well. You need to drink this potion 4 times a day. Cinnamon is a great purifier of the stored and deposited fat from the waist. Before breakfast, drink this potion required on an empty stomach. Besides being magical the recipe will make your skin fresh and smooth…

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