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7 Natural Ways To Firm Sagging Skin

5. Cucumber
Cucumber can be used to tighten both loose and saggy skin. It is one of the best natural skin toners and has a reviving and restoring impact on your skin.

Grind half a cucumber and press it through a strainer to concentrate its juice. Apply this juice all over your face and let it on until it dries. Wash it off with cool water. Do this day by day, once each day.

You can consolidate one tablespoon each of ground cucumber and plain yogurt, too. Apply the mixture all over your face and let it on for 10 to 15 minutes. Flush it off with tepid water. Do this a few times each week.
You can make a face mask with two tablespoons of cucumber juice, one egg white and three to five drops of vitamin E oil. Apply it all over your face and neck, let it on for 15 minutes and wash it off with cool water afterwards. Do this once a week.
6. Rose Water
Rose water is a natural astringent, therefore it is an extraordinary toner and helps tighten loose skin. Furthermore, it is astounding for keeping up clear and sparkling skin.
Apply some rose water all over your face and neck before going to sleep. This will help tighten the pores and counteract premature aging symptoms.
An alternate choice is to blend one teaspoon each of lemon juice and witch hazel and five drops of almond oil in one glass of rose water. Apply it to your face and neck, let it on for 20 minutes and wash it off afterwards. Do this a few times each week.
7. Oil Massage
Your loose skin can become firm and smooth by simply massaging your face and neck with olive oil. Olive oil has antioxidants like vitamins A and E that provide anti-aging advantages. It will keep your skin decently saturated, too. Lightly warm some extra-virgin olive oil in the microwave. Apply this oil all over your face. Massage delicately with your fingertips in round movements for 10 minutes. Do this every day before going to bed.
You can use avocado, coconut, grape seed, jojoba or almond oil to rub your face, neck, arms and legs, too.

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